What Pro Couponers Advise For Your Next Home Remodel — Hometown Station | KHTS FM 98.1 & AM 1220 — Santa Clarita Radio

While ‘pro couponers’ are not the first people you might find yourself asking for advice when it comes to renovating your home, they do often have great advice. It is important to expand your scope when it comes to seeking advice for your home renovation project – you never know where you might find little seeds of wisdom just waiting for you, huh? Open your ears, listen to everyone, and do not turn down advice because the person giving it seems to be the least typical person that you would generally ask.

In this article, we are going to tell you about some advice offered by pro couponers on your next home remodel. Cutting down on the price and simplifying the whole process is something that you should be passionate about and something that you should encourage. We hope that by the end of this article that you will be better prepared to go to your home renovation project and get the job done. If you have any other suggestions or comments, please leave them down below in the comments section.

Here is what pro couponers advise you do when it comes to your next home remodeling project.

Use Coupons, Duh?

Well, the most obvious, and first, suggestion that they give is for you to use coupons. It would be ludicrous for an advocate for using coupons to suggest anything other than coupons, wouldn’t it? Coupons are something people seldom think of, despite them being of great use, and despite them being available to virtually everybody. Using coupons is a fantastic way for you to cut down on the cost of items and to ensure that jobs get done a lot quicker, better, and with better materials.

While it is unlikely that you will find a coupon that gets you a home renovation done for half price, you can easily find yourself coupons that give you access to a higher quality of materials to get your home renovation done, which will mean you can get a luxury makeover for your home, for half the price. You should definitely take advantage of these sorts of coupons when you have the opportunity to do so. You can find them all over the internet, just look carefully and try every single one out – some coupons do not work. Don’t be put off if you find dead links.

Do It Yourself

Couponers are a class of people who tend to like to help themselves, rather than to seek help from others. Couponers recommend that when you are renovating your home or undertaking a project to redesign the interior of your home, that you do it yourself. When redesigning or redecorating your home, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and begin calling in multiple companies and agencies to help you complete the job. Doing it yourself, however, saves you a lot of money and will give you, by the end, the satisfaction of knowing that you have done it all yourself without help from big companies, and therefore, have saved yourself an absolute fortune.

However, when it comes to doing it yourself, there are a few things that you should know. For one, if you are intending on making structural changes to your home, you will need a contractor; you cannot do that alone. Additionally, if you find yourself struggling with particular areas of your home, rather than trying to do them yourself and potentially making them worse, hire a contractor. You should only do it yourself for as long as you can actually do it. When you find yourself unable to continue you must stop and you should leave it to the professionals.

Coins in a jar


There are many things that you can pick up second hand for your home redesign project. For example, if you intend on painting your home, you can likely pick up many buckets of paint second hand potentially for free, or just at a very low cost. Second-hand shopping is a great way for you to save yourself time and money – second-hand shopping is something sadly overlooked by much of this current generation who seldom want anything unless it is brand new and shiny.

Second-hand paint is definitely a fantastic way for you to save money on your home redecoration project. Paint can be very expensive if you buy it new, and you may have to use it a lot. By using second-hand paint, you save yourself a lot of money and give somebody else the opportunity to offload their paint without having to throw it away and waste it. Ensure the paint you do get is still in date, however, and try to find high-quality paint and not low-quality paint – the former is much better to use than the latter, for obvious reasons.

Enlist Your Family

Renovating your home can be a fun family project for everybody, even your cousins, aunties, and uncles. Rather than hiring contractors or doing it yourself, enlist your family and make it a wonderful and memorable family experience. With that said, much of your family may find the idea of renovating your home for free absolutely ridiculous, so you may have to incentivize them with a little bribe, say, lunch, on you? Enlisting your family is a good way to spend time both with your family and in your house – as well as get something productive done.

Pulling together as a team with your family is something people have been unable to over the last few months because of the lockdown imposed to prevent further spread of the virus. But with home redecoration projects, your family and you are given an excuse to come together and help each other out – you are given an opportunity to get back together again and to be with one another once more, after such a long period of unforgiving isolation. Enlist your family in the job, we are certain this will not be something that you regret.

Home renovation projects can be a lot of fun – they can also cost a lot of money. Saving yourself money on a home renovation project is something we definitely recommend. Thank you for reading, please come back and visit us again soon.

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